About the competition
Jointly presented by the ACTF, ABC Education and Reading Australia, the 2022 My Place Competition is open to primary students in Years 1 – 6, secondary students in Years 7 and 8, and special education students of all ages.
Drawing on the themes of the classic picture book and the television series that followed, our national competition prompts students to reflect on change and continuity in their own evolving places and communities. As writing prompts, students might consider:
- What changes have occurred in the natural and built environments, and what remains constant?
- Do the people in your community have a long connection to the area or are groups ever shifting and changing?
- How has your own relationship to place changed or continued over time?
Submitting entries
From Monday 15 August, student entries can be uploaded in Word or PDF format via the ‘Enter Now’ button on the competition page. Submissions will be accepted until midnight AEST on Friday 16 September 2022. Winners will be announced in early Term 4.
Additional resources
My Place author Nadia Wheatley discussed change and continuity in our recent student webinar. If you missed this virtual learning event, you can view the recording on-demand here.
This year, participants will also have access to new writing rubrics to scaffold their work. The junior primary and middle years rubrics are available now on the competition page.
Further down the page, find a list of additional resources and a downloadable A4 poster for teachers wanting to promote the competition within their schools.
Good luck to all students participating in this year’s competition. We can’t wait to read your creative entries!
For full details:
For questions about the competition, please get in touch at: